Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Data Modelling with Immutability

Level: 3 where 1 is noob and 5 is totally awesome
Disclaimer: If you use anything from any of my blog entries, it is on your own responsibility.


Data modelling with immutability, is a thing I have been thinking about for a while now, and if I had green field project I would think it in, from start. The concept is simple, instead of change states on objects, we create new ones(Well, sometimes it makes more sense to use mutable entities, but I'll get back on that). It is a concept, which makes it possible to create better data models, which resembles the things, we want to model more precisely.

Through out this blog post, I'll use the following Person-Address model, when clarifying the concept. The model is simple. It resembles a person and an address for this person.

The Concept

The conception is as mention before; instead of change the state of entities in the data model, we create a new ones. As an example, let us look, at our Person-Address model. Lets say we have a Person, who decides to move, which is the same as change address. A way to model this change of address, could be updating the address entity with the new address. But, not only from a modelling perspective is this wrong, but it can also give some technical challenges later on. Such querying the person former addressed, can be difficult.

The right thing to do, is to somehow mark the old address entity obsolete(but do not delete), create a new address entity, with the new address, and connect it to the person as the current address. Why is this right? It is right, because when a person is moving, they a moving to a new location/address. The new address has another house, while the old house is still standing at the old address. So by modelling address a immutable, we have the old address and the new address, just like in the real world. Actually, if the address entity was updated with a new address, it would be the same as saying, we are  dumping a new address and a house, on the old address. Not really possible in reality, eh?

The tricky part of modelling with immutability, is identifying what should be immutable and what should be mutable. Lets take a look at the Person-Address model again. Person. No matter the name of a person, the person would ideally always be the same. Thereby the person is mutable. So if a person changes name, the person entity should be updated. The entity should not be replaced, like in the in address example. If the entity was replaced, it would be same as saying it is a new person. So thing which remains the same, no matter the state, should be mutable.

Versioning and event sourcing

First a quick definition, of versioning and event sourcing. Event sourcing, is storing the event which caused an entity to change. A version is the result of an event.

Some might think, by using immutable entities in a model, we would get event sourcing, as an positive side-effect. Well, if we have to be absolute correctly, it wouldn't be event sourcing. Because we are not storing an event, we ares storing a result of an event a.k.a. a version. We are also only getting versioning for the immutable entities, because we are creating a new entity for every change. Mutable entities state changes should, like immutable entities events, be event sourced.

By modelling this way, you should always have the most true data model. As positive side effect, you should always be able, to query versions and events for every entity in your model. Happy modelling.

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