Monday, April 27, 2015

Introducing Your Favorite Snippet Tool

Snippets in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio are a great help, and tremendous time savers. Unfortunately the con about VS and SSMS snippets are: They are tedious to create. I have a feeling, that makes it less appealing to use custom snippets, because it includes working with XML to create them, and VS or SSMS offers no help.


Well, a couple of days ago, I decided to make a snippet of some SQL, which I had realized, I had to write regularly in the future. I was pretty tired of writing this SQL, and then I remembered: To create a snippet you have to setup an XML document. Then I got really tired. In hope of an easy solution, I did search the web for an online snippet creator. All i did find was tools, which had to be downloaded. No offence, these downloadables are properly mighty fine, but nowadays I think a tool like a snippet creator should be online. Easy to reach, and not another downloaded tool to soil your computer.

Priorities can be strange some times, and I decided, that I would rather write an online tool myself, which could make snippets, than do another handmade snippet.

So here after a small coding marathon, I'll present to you:




Q: Why is the link and not when the tool name is Your Favorite Snippet Tool?
A: For your convenience. It is much easier, to remember and type it right. 

Q: The first release is version 0.8.0, is it production ready?
A: Yes. There is some extended features for VB, which will be there in a later release. Further I have some ideas for UI improvements. Also, until I have had some more feedback, it wouldn't be right to release it in version 1.0.0

Q: VSI packages are supported, what about VSIX packages?
A: VSIX does not by default, support snippets. Hacks must be applied to make VSIX work with snippets.

Q:The Visual Studio Content Installer does not install the VSI package to Visual Studio 2xxx, why?
A: That is because, Visual Studio Content Installer is a strange piece of software. Specially, if you have more versions of Visual Studio on your machine.

Q: I found a bug, what to do?
A: I will appreciate, if you would write to me about it. Contact information is at the button of the page. 

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